Est-ce être Amazigh (Berbère) menace la stabilité de l’état.jpg
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Est-ce être Amazigh (Berbère) menace la stabilité de l’état
By: abbas malika - algerie
2012-05-20 06:03:57
joli recueil de nos produits berbères,sans compter l'apport de tout ce qui peut se faire ici au bled!je suis fière de voir que notre civilisation s"exporte aussi facilement au-delà des frontières! Bonne continuation!
By: Miloud & Carol Adnane - United Kingdom
2010-02-11 19:30:00
Dear Hacene We have just received our first wholesale order from you and are absolutely delighted with the jewellery we ordered. From our very first contact with you, you have supported and advised us every step of the way - thank you so much for all your help. Now we have the jewellery in front of us here in the United Kingdom, the quality and workmanship of this beautifully made jewellery is fantastic and we can't wait to start promoting Algerian traditional crafts here in the UK. We will certainly be ordering from you again - hopefully in the not-too-distant future! Kind regards, Miloud & Carol Adnane Atiya Bijoux, UK
By: Zaharo M. - New Zealand
2008-08-17 19:30:00
Hi there I have a gift and homeware store in auckland and am opening another one in september that is going to be selling predominantly jewellery. I am interested in your tuareg jewellery range, please could I have a wholesale pricelist. many thanks Auckland New Zealand
By: Zhor Boulekraout - Australia
2007-12-30 19:30:00
Congratulations for this web site . It makes us proud to see our culture promoted after being ignored and suppressed for so long. Keep up the good work because this is only the beginning. Cheers
By: Djida Djafri - Australia
2006-12-01 14:49:21
Pour les bijoux essayes de demander a des filles de porter les bijoux avec des vetements qui pourraient aller avec (tu varies selon les couleurs et aussi si ca se porte avec des robes de soirees ou bien casual etc...) ca fait toujours bien. Pour les robes Kabyles aussi, c'est bien de voir des personnes porter les robes pour se faire une idee.
By: Radia Djellal - France
2012-05-24 04:45:30
Bonsoir, J'ai bien reçu ma commande, belle surprise ! Je suis ravie" la paire de boucles et la bague sont magnifiques" Merci! Bonne continuation Radia Djellal