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Sahara Sand Roses
Sahara Sand Roses from Algerian Desert - Natural Mineral dug out from the sand
By: hadj messaoud tesseadi - france
2015-08-27 13:41:15
azul, je suis très contente de mon produit, tout s'est très bien passé pour la livraison et l'emballage est très beau, je conseille ce marchand à tous, merci beaucoup.
By: Florence Graradji - France
2015-05-10 05:34:11
Azul agma Hacène, j'espoire que tu vas bien, je suis très heureuse de revenir sur ton site. Que Allah te garde, et fasse prospérer ton commerce. Bien cordialement et fraternellement
By: Ousmane Ahmed - France
2008-01-07 19:30:00
De la part d'un Touareg originaire du Niger, vivant en France et qui défend la culture berbère en ayant fondé LA MAISON DU SAHARA en France, félicitations pour votre site et votre représentation en Australie.
By: Christine - United Kingdom
2009-06-04 19:30:00
Hacene,<br> Thank you I received the parcel on 02-June-09. Can you give me any information about the type of metal used to make this jewelry? I look forward to doing business with you again in the near future.<br> Awaiting your correspondence.<br> Best wishes,<br> Christine
By: Rafik A. - Canada
2014-05-14 20:56:54
Hi, Simply a brilliant service. I have dealt with numerous online websites for shopping, but nothing came to close to the personal, respectful and courteous contact as I did with the staff at Berbero Saharan. The rug is in beautiful shape, the material is pristine and culture seeps through it. I'm in love with it and have received many good compliments and feedback from Canadian and non-Berber friends. Shipping was very reasonable and extremely quick (5 business days to Canada from Australia) as well considering Berbero Saharan charges you the exact price of shipping as opposed to marking it up like other websites! Very honest and trustworthy. I am in the process of ordering another one, and will order a third shortly, most likely... that's how good! Rafik A. Toronto, Canada
By: Trevor Lepp - Spain
2011-02-16 19:30:00
Dear Hacene, I must write to say thank you for the excellent service you provided. It really could not have been better. I particularly appreciated the trouble you took to make sure that I got the type of desert roses I was looking for and they were perfect. I can heartily recommend your company to anyone who is looking for authentic North African goods. Many thanks, Trevor Lepp, Mallorca, Spain