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North African Glassware
North African Tea Glasses from Morocco and Algeria. Also can be used as Tea lights
By: Janine - Australia
2014-11-02 20:26:38
The quality of the items bought were authentic and service was fast
By: Mary - Australia
2008-01-01 19:30:00
Wow, Hacene - you amaze me! We missed the Sydney fireworks on TV, so it was great to see them on your site. And so much other entertainment - I was so engrossed, I almost forgot to continue with my work! But thank you for the videos and I wish you a great 2008!. Mary
By: hacene - France
2016-03-29 06:58:17
C'est toujours un plaisir de faire affaire avec vous et j'apprecie tout particulièrement la bonne communication et votre disponibilité répondre aux éventuelles questions. Et bien evidement la qualité de la marchandise. A bientot .
By: Florence Graradji - France
2015-05-10 05:34:11
Azul agma Hacène, j'espoire que tu vas bien, je suis très heureuse de revenir sur ton site. Que Allah te garde, et fasse prospérer ton commerce. Bien cordialement et fraternellement
By: Amanda Ford - Australia
2015-02-24 01:03:43
We received our tagine like the next day! Thank you so much! my husband absolutely loved it. He seasoned it for 24 hours and we had our first long awaited meal out of it. It was amazing. Thanks again! J
By: Ousmane Ahmed - France
2008-01-07 19:30:00
De la part d'un Touareg originaire du Niger, vivant en France et qui défend la culture berbère en ayant fondé LA MAISON DU SAHARA en France, félicitations pour votre site et votre représentation en Australie.