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Algerian and Moroccan genuine leather wallets
By: Trevor Glasson - Australia
2010-11-18 19:30:00
My order ("Safi Platter") arrived safely this morning. I have posted a cheque for $36.71 (the difference between the original delivery $17.29 and the $54 (your cost). Thank you very much for your assistance.
Great Service!
By: Philip Coggan - Canberra, Australia
2021-11-29 00:00:00
I found this website while searching online for babouches. It directed me to their FaceBook page, and I asked there if they had my size etc. To my amazement, although it was 8 o'clock at night, I got an immediate reply. The person on the other end (I have no name) helped me through my request and was marvellous. I cannot imagine better service. has been submitted on:
By: Andréa G. - France
2009-03-23 19:30:00
Bonjour Hacéne Je viens de récupérer les boucles d'oreille à la poste. Merci infiniment ! Merci à votre sÅ“ur pour l'envoi soigné. Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et efficacité et merci au bijoutier qui a fait un travail remarquable ! Je ne manquerai pas de mettre un mot sur votre site dès demain. Bien cordialement Andréa G.
By: Mina K. - Australia
2007-11-19 19:30:00
Your website is unique in itself and only needs minor variations possibly to improve the homepage by changing the layout of the page. Maybe having the writing down the sides and having the pictures in the centre with links below them to make it easier for your customers to find certain products. Possibly a black background will be nicer than a grey one. Other than that I think you have done well, your genuine authentic products & fantastic prices will attract customers. Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
By: Janine - Australia
2014-11-02 20:26:38
The quality of the items bought were authentic and service was fast
By: Hakima - France
2007-11-17 19:30:00
Bon travail bon continuation vous faite trops de truques traditionels, j'aime ca bon courage