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Ottomans Cushions Seats
Find our wide range of round and rectangular Algerian and Moroccan leather ottomans/Poufs, cushions and seats
By: Khaled Guenfi - France
2009-12-10 19:30:00
Pour ce qui est de la commande en gros que j'ai réalisé auprès de vous je suis trés satisfait en ce qui concerne les relations que nous avons eu durant toute la transaction., de l'expédition qui à été rapide et suivi jusqu'à sa rception. vos produits sont trés beaux et de bonne qualité, je tiens à vous remercier et surtout vous féliciter pour votre honneteté et votre sens des relations, bonne courage en espérant continuer à travalller ensemble. à bientôt
By: Zaharo M. - New Zealand
2008-08-17 19:30:00
Hi there I have a gift and homeware store in auckland and am opening another one in september that is going to be selling predominantly jewellery. I am interested in your tuareg jewellery range, please could I have a wholesale pricelist. many thanks Auckland New Zealand
By: Goumeziane Soraya - Algeria
2010-06-23 19:30:00
salut hacene, comment ça va? J'ai récupéré mes deux robes, elles sont tout simplement magnifiques. Merci à toi. Je me trouve vraiment belle avec!!! encore une fois merci hacene.
By: Simone Jolly - Australia
2006-10-30 10:11:35
This is a very exciting website! I like being able to see decent sized pictures of the products, and a brief history and explanation of the items is also very interesting and effective. Im very excited at the opprotunity to purchase such exotic and beautiful items so easily! Gotta love the internet for that right! Im looking forward to seeing the pottery and rugs too - cant wait for that! Keep up the good work, and I hope your goal is achieved - to familiarise australians with this mystical culture and it's beauty. Well done!
By: Belkacemi - France
2016-07-01 03:07:50
The jewellries I received are very beautiful and well hand-made ! I'm very happy of having purchased them on this website. The delivery was also very fast when considering they are shipped from Australia. Thank you very much. Lisa
By: sbargoud ahmed - Bresil
2009-05-15 19:30:00
Jadmire tres bien ton travail