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Sahara Sand
Sahara Sand paintings and artworks from Algeria
Medium 3D Sahara sand painting handmade by the Tuareg of Algeria
By: Maria Mendes - Portugal
2009-09-02 19:30:00
Hello Hacene<br> The earings I ordered arrived some minutes ago in good condition at my home in Lisbon. Very nice, we love it. <br> Thanks<br> Maria Mendes
By: Massin - USA
2009-05-06 19:30:00
azul thamaghnas<br> i just discoved this website, and i was waiting with patient to hear anything about imazighan in australia, so i would like to thank all site members for their effort to promote the amzigh culture and history.
By: Heather Summers - Australia
2014-09-15 17:26:38
I am very happy with my purchase of the 2 Bedside Table Lamps. Your door to door service was exceptionable. Thank you very much.
By: Ousmane Ahmed - France
2008-01-07 19:30:00
De la part d'un Touareg originaire du Niger, vivant en France et qui défend la culture berbère en ayant fondé LA MAISON DU SAHARA en France, félicitations pour votre site et votre représentation en Australie.
By: Miloud & Carol Adnane - United Kingdom
2010-02-10 19:30:00
Hi Hacene The goods all arrived in perfect order, despite customs opening the parcel, and we understand about the customs duties. This is all a bit new to us, but we are learning as we go along! Please congratulate your talented artisan - we are absolutely delighted with the quality and craftmanship of the goods and can\'t wait to begin selling them. We shall certainly be ordering again! Thanks for all your help Miloud & Carol Adnane
By: Belinda Musulin - Croatia
2012-07-19 05:54:31
THX HEAPS You are lovely! Not all are like that in business and you are very well mannered! Some in America don't show this level of professionalism as you do..... Some Americans are not really to my style in business communication! I have seen and I know - you are indeed very well mannered in business! We are grateful. Belinda