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Marble paintings and artworks from Algeria
By: Sofia & Wissem - Algeria
2009-05-04 19:30:00
bnjr j'espere ke vous allez bien.on est sur votre site ca nous a plu enormement;et on vous remerci beaucoup ,a la prochn
By: Florence Graradji - France
2015-05-10 05:34:11
Azul agma Hacène, j'espoire que tu vas bien, je suis très heureuse de revenir sur ton site. Que Allah te garde, et fasse prospérer ton commerce. Bien cordialement et fraternellement
By: Eric G - US
2014-01-03 12:47:58
I have been ordering jewellery and other Kabyle items from Hacene for more that 6 years. He has always been very responsive and gone out of his way to assure that what I have ordered is delivered and on time. You will not be disappointed! Eric
By: Ciarac - USA
2007-12-17 19:30:00
You have some really beautiful and unique jewelry! I really do like your site and the information you have available explaining the different cultures and how they create their unique jewelry is excellent!
By: Dai Yu - Australia
2006-12-02 19:30:00
Wow, it's so much better!! I am glad that you changed the home page.
By: A.Larbi - odysseephone
2020-06-05 04:55:21
Vos produits sont authentiques. Très satisfait.merci pour votre sérieux.