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Algerian handmade copper artwork in 3D
Tuareg blue man warrior in his armour standing like a chief - 3D copper Artwork
Tuareg blue man warrior in his armour standing like a chief - 3D copper Artwork
By: Batja -
2015-11-27 00:59:34
Dear Hacene: Many thanks to you, and to your colleagues in Algeria and France, and especially the silversmith for fa facilitating my custom order for the two pendants, and arranging their delivery so quickly. The craftsmanship on both pieces is wonderful. I hope you will be able to include more pieces like thes these on your website in the future. Best wishes to you all. Bati
By: Trevor Lepp - Spain
2011-01-13 19:30:00
Hacene, The sand roses arrived yesterday and the buyer is very pleased with them. Many thanks for your perfect service. I will send you a letter of commendation. Trevor
By: Florence GRARADJI - France
2012-12-20 05:27:49
Merci Hacene pour ce geste généreux et sympathique lors de ma derrière commande. Que Dieu vous bénisse et fasse prospérer vos affaires. Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et merveilleuse année 2013. Florence
By: Maria Mendes - Portugal
2009-05-06 19:30:00
Hello Hacenne<br> I received in Lisboa, Portugal, all the nice objects that I ordered in 29 April. Everything was very well packed and in good condition. Thanks for the T-shirt. Congratulations for the prompt and efficient service. I think that I will order again in a next opportunity. <br> Sincerely<br> Maria Mendes<br> Lisboa, Portugal.
By: Rafik A. - Canada
2014-05-14 20:56:54
Hi, Simply a brilliant service. I have dealt with numerous online websites for shopping, but nothing came to close to the personal, respectful and courteous contact as I did with the staff at Berbero Saharan. The rug is in beautiful shape, the material is pristine and culture seeps through it. I'm in love with it and have received many good compliments and feedback from Canadian and non-Berber friends. Shipping was very reasonable and extremely quick (5 business days to Canada from Australia) as well considering Berbero Saharan charges you the exact price of shipping as opposed to marking it up like other websites! Very honest and trustworthy. I am in the process of ordering another one, and will order a third shortly, most likely... that's how good! Rafik A. Toronto, Canada
By: Idir Bakdi - Angleterre
2012-01-22 14:48:45
azul, j'aimerais bien acheter le pendatif amazigh berbere ,cmt faire pour l'acheter d'ici? aidez merci ,thanemirth,idir Admin: Azul Idir Rajouter le produit au panier d'achats, ensuite vous suivez les instructions, comme ajouter votre adresse, paiement, le mode d'envoi et voila. Service Client