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Camel Hair
Berber Rugs in Camel hair
By: Mohamed Eldaly - USA
2012-01-11 14:38:33
Berbero Saharan gave us access to our Saharan culture and we we recieved a gorgeous White Bornous fit for our happiest of occasions. I plan to purchase more from them and preserve our heritage in the process : ) Thanks again to Hacene and his skilled artisans.
I'm very pleased
By: Caroline Watkins - United Kingdom
2020-05-21 00:00:00
My wallet arrived today, well worth the wait, just what I wanted, I'm very pleased, thankyou very much.
By: Eric Griffith - USA
2012-08-22 18:15:56
Hello, I have ordered a number of items from you in the past and have been very pleased. I was born in Kabylie, and would like to make an appropriate wedding gift to my future wife. Do you have any suggestions on what might be considered traditional "wedding jelwery" or other gift? Thank you, Eric
By: Djida Djafri - Australia
2006-12-01 14:49:21
Pour les bijoux essayes de demander a des filles de porter les bijoux avec des vetements qui pourraient aller avec (tu varies selon les couleurs et aussi si ca se porte avec des robes de soirees ou bien casual etc...) ca fait toujours bien. Pour les robes Kabyles aussi, c'est bien de voir des personnes porter les robes pour se faire une idee.
By: Hacene Djender - France
2009-05-12 19:30:00
Bonjour, je tenais a vous prevenir que jai bien recus las casquette (qui dailleurs est de tres bonne qualite), ainsi que le dvd....Merci pour cet envoi rapide et soigne....<br> A bientot,<br> Hacene DJENDER
By: makoto.Y - Japan
2014-03-19 05:49:26
Hi! I ordered"kabyle mandole"I received it today,the good arrived in good condition! very beautiful instruments,so I'm very happy! Thanks for your help!!