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Algerian Pottery
Algerian handmade brown pottery 100% handmade
By: Nina - United Kingdom
2008-01-17 19:30:00
Thank you very much for all the information regarding the pendent, I was hoping that it came from Tizi Ouzou. My ex boyfriend is from that town and gave me a beautiful ring, that matches the pendent I found on your site, so I was really very happy. I will take your offer of an other item without S&H, everything is so beautiful, how could I resist!
By: Hayley Skinner - Australia
2010-12-10 19:30:00
Great service and fantastic product - personally delivered the following day.<br> Hayley
By: Khaled Guenfi - France
2009-12-10 19:30:00
Pour ce qui est de la commande en gros que j'ai réalisé auprès de vous je suis trés satisfait en ce qui concerne les relations que nous avons eu durant toute la transaction., de l'expédition qui à été rapide et suivi jusqu'à sa rception. vos produits sont trés beaux et de bonne qualité, je tiens à vous remercier et surtout vous féliciter pour votre honneteté et votre sens des relations, bonne courage en espérant continuer à travalller ensemble. à bientôt
By: Djida Djafri - Australia
2006-12-01 14:49:21
Pour les bijoux essayes de demander a des filles de porter les bijoux avec des vetements qui pourraient aller avec (tu varies selon les couleurs et aussi si ca se porte avec des robes de soirees ou bien casual etc...) ca fait toujours bien. Pour les robes Kabyles aussi, c'est bien de voir des personnes porter les robes pour se faire une idee.
By: Dai Yu - Australia
2006-12-02 19:30:00
Wow, it's so much better!! I am glad that you changed the home page.
By: Rafik A. - Canada
2014-05-14 20:56:54
Hi, Simply a brilliant service. I have dealt with numerous online websites for shopping, but nothing came to close to the personal, respectful and courteous contact as I did with the staff at Berbero Saharan. The rug is in beautiful shape, the material is pristine and culture seeps through it. I'm in love with it and have received many good compliments and feedback from Canadian and non-Berber friends. Shipping was very reasonable and extremely quick (5 business days to Canada from Australia) as well considering Berbero Saharan charges you the exact price of shipping as opposed to marking it up like other websites! Very honest and trustworthy. I am in the process of ordering another one, and will order a third shortly, most likely... that's how good! Rafik A. Toronto, Canada