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Handmade Tuareg Earrings for the Sahara desert
By: Trevor Lepp - Spain
2011-01-13 19:30:00
Hacene, The sand roses arrived yesterday and the buyer is very pleased with them. Many thanks for your perfect service. I will send you a letter of commendation. Trevor
By: bouzara yazid - Algeria
2009-05-20 19:30:00
bonjour je ceramiste vous pouvez visiter mon blog
By: Simone Jolly - Australia
2006-10-30 10:11:35
This is a very exciting website! I like being able to see decent sized pictures of the products, and a brief history and explanation of the items is also very interesting and effective. Im very excited at the opprotunity to purchase such exotic and beautiful items so easily! Gotta love the internet for that right! Im looking forward to seeing the pottery and rugs too - cant wait for that! Keep up the good work, and I hope your goal is achieved - to familiarise australians with this mystical culture and it's beauty. Well done!
By: Mary - Australia
2008-02-24 19:30:00
....arrived this morning. Thank you for for following this up for me, and I am delighted with the belts. Best regards, Mary
By: Christine - United Kingdom
2009-06-04 19:30:00
Hacene,<br> Thank you I received the parcel on 02-June-09. Can you give me any information about the type of metal used to make this jewelry? I look forward to doing business with you again in the near future.<br> Awaiting your correspondence.<br> Best wishes,<br> Christine
By: Lynda B. - Canada
2009-04-12 19:30:00
Azul fellawen Cela fait quelques semaines que j'ai découvert ce site berbére et c'est presque chaque jour que je rentre pour l'exploiter de plus en plus. Ce que j'ai aimé dans ton site Hacene est le fait que tu as inclus un peu de tout : la poésie, l'histoire, les traditions,........etc .De penser a inclure : les sites, les travaux, accomplies par les autres ma beaucoup touché, car cela prouve ta bonne foie de vouloir valoriser et rendre connu tout ce qui a rapport avec nous les berberes. Je t'encourage a perseverer Hacene et de y aller plus loin avec ca. L'Australie est un pays ou notre communauté ne se retrouve pas trop, alors j'imagine qu'il faut plus de travail et d'efforts qu'ailleurs , Mais je comprends également que vous avez le plus important : la volonté et la patience . Akissawedh rebi ar levrik agma Lynda