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Berber bracelets in pure silver and mediterranean red coral from algeria
By: Cara - Australia
2011-08-23 02:26:44
Would like to say how great the products and service are from this site. I ordered a DVD which I received within two days. The DVD, which featured a family in the Kabyle region, is really informative and is a good introduction to Amazigh culture. Thanks so much for providing such great site!!!
By: Radia Djellal - France
2012-05-24 04:45:30
Bonsoir, J'ai bien reçu ma commande, belle surprise ! Je suis ravie" la paire de boucles et la bague sont magnifiques" Merci! Bonne continuation Radia Djellal
By: Skye R. - Australia
2007-04-25 19:30:00
I bought a hat and ceramic ashtray. I was very happy with the prices for handmade quality and style. I think it is a fabulous idea to sell handicrafts from Algeria and North Africa.
By: hacene - France
2016-03-29 06:58:17
C'est toujours un plaisir de faire affaire avec vous et j'apprecie tout particulièrement la bonne communication et votre disponibilité répondre aux éventuelles questions. Et bien evidement la qualité de la marchandise. A bientot .
By: ghania goumeziane - Algeria
2010-06-21 19:30:00
slt Hacene ,voila je t'écris pour te dire que j ai reçu les robes ajrd8 mais elles sont trop trop trop belles franchement c est du bn travail merci bcp.Si tu appel la couturière tu lui dis de ma part "athiharez rebi ifasnime"n oublis pas ok.Merci encore une fois et c est grace a
By: Mehdi - USA
2014-09-10 07:49:30
I ordered a bracelet on berbeosaharan web site, and not only it was easy to go through the site to check the different models and to choose and order, but also the delivery was even faster then expected. You did a very good job on the bacelet design. You will need to put more pictures per product on the web site, since the bracelet was even better that I was seeing on its picture. Thanks again and keep going