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Concours de la meilleure carte d`identite Kabyle, Algerie
By: Hacene DJENDER - France
2013-04-18 05:29:43
Azul, je viens de recevoir La Casquette. Elle est très jolie, merci. Hacene DJENDER
By: Ahcene Mariche - Algérie
2009-04-15 19:30:00
tanemirt stussda ayatma a les ambassadeurs nnegh di l australy. leqder nnwen d ameqran. l'hsitoire en parlezra un jour et on est deja temoin de tout ce que vous faites. ahcene mariche qui vous suis de loin et promet de vous envoyer bientot ces deux nouveaux recueils de poésie. ar tufat ayatma aken ihrez rebbi . idles nnegh mazal yahwadj agh poétqieument ahcene mariche tanemirt a toute l'équipe et spécialement à hacene baleh que j'ai eu l'honneur de rencontrer ici en algerie . mazal lkhir ar zdat ayatma Ahcene Mariche
By: A.Larbi - odysseephone
2020-06-05 04:55:21
Vos produits sont authentiques. Très satisfait.merci pour votre sérieux.
By: Janine - Australia
2014-10-19 18:34:01
My tajine medium size are perfect, cooked a delicious chicken tajine for friends! served 4 easily! Great service, easy contact, looking forward to purchasing a few more items!
By: Bronwyn O'Brien - Australia
2010-04-19 19:30:00
Hacene, My order has arrived. The items are beautiful and very nicely packaged also. It is always a pleasure doing business with you. You deserve success.
By: Nina - United Kingdom
2008-01-17 19:30:00
Thank you very much for all the information regarding the pendent, I was hoping that it came from Tizi Ouzou. My ex boyfriend is from that town and gave me a beautiful ring, that matches the pendent I found on your site, so I was really very happy. I will take your offer of an other item without S&H, everything is so beautiful, how could I resist!