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By: Sofia & Wissem - Algeria
2009-05-04 19:30:00
bnjr j'espere ke vous allez bien.on est sur votre site ca nous a plu enormement;et on vous remerci beaucoup ,a la prochn
By: Andréa G. - France
2009-03-23 19:30:00
Bonjour Hacéne Je viens de récupérer les boucles d'oreille à la poste. Merci infiniment ! Merci à votre sÅ“ur pour l'envoi soigné. Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et efficacité et merci au bijoutier qui a fait un travail remarquable ! Je ne manquerai pas de mettre un mot sur votre site dès demain. Bien cordialement Andréa G.
By: Miloud & Carol Adnane - United Kingdom
2010-02-10 19:30:00
Hi Hacene The goods all arrived in perfect order, despite customs opening the parcel, and we understand about the customs duties. This is all a bit new to us, but we are learning as we go along! Please congratulate your talented artisan - we are absolutely delighted with the quality and craftmanship of the goods and can\'t wait to begin selling them. We shall certainly be ordering again! Thanks for all your help Miloud & Carol Adnane
By: Hakima C - France
2009-08-07 19:30:00
jai bien recu le colis je suis ravie cest magnifique tres jolie travail de qualitée merci mille fois a vous hacene
By: Trevor Glasson - Australia
2010-11-18 19:30:00
My order ("Safi Platter") arrived safely this morning. I have posted a cheque for $36.71 (the difference between the original delivery $17.29 and the $54 (your cost). Thank you very much for your assistance.
By: Belkacemi - France
2016-07-01 03:07:50
The jewellries I received are very beautiful and well hand-made ! I'm very happy of having purchased them on this website. The delivery was also very fast when considering they are shipped from Australia. Thank you very much. Lisa