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Yearly Africa Festival in Sydney Australia
By: Mehdi - USA
2014-09-10 07:49:30
I ordered a bracelet on berbeosaharan web site, and not only it was easy to go through the site to check the different models and to choose and order, but also the delivery was even faster then expected. You did a very good job on the bacelet design. You will need to put more pictures per product on the web site, since the bracelet was even better that I was seeing on its picture. Thanks again and keep going
By: Mia W. - Indonesia
2007-04-27 19:30:00
Hey..your website is a lot more interesting now. Congratulations and well done! The new stuffs look very nice, too! Wishing you a great success this year:-]
By: Soummam - France
2008-01-04 19:30:00
Bonjour. Joli site et joli travail ce qui est encourageant pour notre culture merci d'ajouter mes liens sur votre site ,le votre sera mis sur mon annuaire thanmirth
By: Florence Graradji - France
2015-05-10 05:34:11
Azul agma Hacène, j'espoire que tu vas bien, je suis très heureuse de revenir sur ton site. Que Allah te garde, et fasse prospérer ton commerce. Bien cordialement et fraternellement
By: Eric Griffith - USA
2012-08-22 18:15:56
Hello, I have ordered a number of items from you in the past and have been very pleased. I was born in Kabylie, and would like to make an appropriate wedding gift to my future wife. Do you have any suggestions on what might be considered traditional "wedding jelwery" or other gift? Thank you, Eric
By: Massin - USA
2009-05-06 19:30:00
azul thamaghnas<br> i just discoved this website, and i was waiting with patient to hear anything about imazighan in australia, so i would like to thank all site members for their effort to promote the amzigh culture and history.