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Du 15 au 20 mars 2010, dixième édition du film Amazigh de Tizi ouzou
By: Florence - Merci beaucoup
2013-08-03 15:47:22
Un grand merci à Hacène, au bijoutier et à tous ceux qui ont acheminé mon bijou Kabyle. Vous tous qui me lisez, commandez sur ce site les yeux fermé. Hacène est un Amaghirt digne de ce nom ! Il est honnète, très professionnel, gentil... Votre satisfaction est la sienne, et Hacène est un grand amoureux de la culture Amaghirt, et il ne demande qu'à la partager avec vous ou vous la faire découvrir. Bon shoping à tous.
By: A.Larbi - odysseephone
2020-06-05 04:55:21
Vos produits sont authentiques. Très satisfait.merci pour votre sérieux.
By: Miriam - France
2008-03-30 19:30:00
Très bon vendeur et très belles robes ! N'hésitez pas à commander !!! Miriam
Very good service
By: Annemarie Tarasuik - Victoria, Australia
2020-09-28 20:01:22
I am very happy with the service i received from Hacene. We had a lot of issues with Australian Post! eventually it was all sorted thanks to his help. It was a pleasure dealing with him. I hope he finds a better postal provider in the future.
By: Fousia N. - France
2008-10-20 19:30:00
selam jai bien recu ma robe et mon burnous et ils sont vraiment tres tres beau malgré le delais rapidement ke je vous ai donné je l ai recu en temps en heure merci encor hacene je recommanderais c trop beau
By: Mary - Australia
2007-12-30 19:30:00
Hacene, thank you for your notification, I shall look forward to receiving the Sand Roses. And it is exciting to think my belts are being handmade especially for me in Algeria - it is obviously a fascinating country. I'm too old to travel now, but love learning about places I have never seen. The photos (modern and old) are fascinating. I run a very tiny gift shop in a very tiny place (Lemon Tree Passage). The shop is part of the waterside unit my husband Ray and I live in. Not to make a profit, but to keep me occupied and interested as he is an invalid now. The community is getting familiar with the fact that The Little Gift Shoppe always has something unusual. Not that you need to know all that, but I had to compliment you on your web site. I don't know who has created it for you, or if indeed you have put it together yourself, but whichever applies, it is one of the best sites, both from content and composition that I have visited. I don't know if Algerians recognise our New Year celebrations, but I send you and your family my latest buzz phrase.... Have a great 2008!