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By: Miloud & Carol Adnane - United Kingdom
2010-02-10 19:30:00
Hi Hacene The goods all arrived in perfect order, despite customs opening the parcel, and we understand about the customs duties. This is all a bit new to us, but we are learning as we go along! Please congratulate your talented artisan - we are absolutely delighted with the quality and craftmanship of the goods and can\'t wait to begin selling them. We shall certainly be ordering again! Thanks for all your help Miloud & Carol Adnane
By: Jonas Ighmouracene - Paris
2020-06-12 03:41:04
Satisfait de la qualité du produit, bon rapport qualité prix. Délai de réception satisfaisant. Je vous remercie
By: Mina K. - Australia
2007-11-19 19:30:00
Your website is unique in itself and only needs minor variations possibly to improve the homepage by changing the layout of the page. Maybe having the writing down the sides and having the pictures in the centre with links below them to make it easier for your customers to find certain products. Possibly a black background will be nicer than a grey one. Other than that I think you have done well, your genuine authentic products & fantastic prices will attract customers. Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
By: Patricia ED - France
2008-11-02 19:30:00
J'ai bien reçu votre pendentif J'adore, il est super joli ! Merci beaucoup, c'est vraiment ce que je cherchais ! Pour mon bébé, la taille convient parfaitement ! Patricia
By: Stephen - Australia
2012-07-08 20:05:14
Excelent service throughout my purchase from the beginning till delivery. Some larger company's here need to look at the way customers are served and start treating customers the way Berbero Saharan do as an individual customer.
By: Denis BENEJAM - France
2011-09-14 17:03:30
J'ai bien reçu mon colis. Parfait ! Denis BENEJAM