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Bagues Kabyles en argent massif et corail rouge de la mediterranee
By: lila - algerie
2012-03-19 09:27:51
de beaux modelles robes mais ca manques de finitions
By: Mohamed Eldaly - USA
2012-01-07 19:29:08
Dear Hacene, I received the bornous and it s more beautiful than in the photos. My fiancee loves it and it fits perfectly. Thank you for pursuing it until delivery and I will be in touch with you soon for other items I will be purchasing. Mohamed Eldaly
By: Massin - USA
2009-05-06 19:30:00
azul thamaghnas<br> i just discoved this website, and i was waiting with patient to hear anything about imazighan in australia, so i would like to thank all site members for their effort to promote the amzigh culture and history.
By: Ahcene Mariche - Algérie
2009-04-15 19:30:00
tanemirt stussda ayatma a les ambassadeurs nnegh di l australy. leqder nnwen d ameqran. l'hsitoire en parlezra un jour et on est deja temoin de tout ce que vous faites. ahcene mariche qui vous suis de loin et promet de vous envoyer bientot ces deux nouveaux recueils de poésie. ar tufat ayatma aken ihrez rebbi . idles nnegh mazal yahwadj agh poétqieument ahcene mariche tanemirt a toute l'équipe et spécialement à hacene baleh que j'ai eu l'honneur de rencontrer ici en algerie . mazal lkhir ar zdat ayatma Ahcene Mariche
By: Nabil - France
2014-10-29 02:56:18
Ce fut un plaisir de traiter avec BerberoSaharan, je trouve que le service est à l'écoute du client et très réactif lorsqu'on le sollicite. Une organisation professionnelle qui ne vous decevra pas tant par la qualité des produits que la qualité du service rendu. Cordialement, Nabil
By: Chantal - Australia
2007-01-28 19:30:00
Overall your web site is really interesting. I found the products you offer intriguing and your range is a variety of georgous things that any one would love to have. It is becoming a rare thing these days to be able to have handmade products in your home and as jewellery for that matter. Uniqueness usually comes at a high price but I am surprised to learn that your prices are very affordable. The only suggestions I could make are merely minor details and probably not so important such as the percentage figures on the sale discounts are rather small and don't really stand out, you might want to try enlarging those to be more visible to the naked eye. Other than that the site offers history, knowledge and basically good product.. so congratulations!