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Ottomanes Tabourets Coussins
Retrouvez nos Ottomanes, tabourets et coussins Algeriens et Marocains en cuir
By: Soummam - France
2008-01-04 19:30:00
Bonjour. Joli site et joli travail ce qui est encourageant pour notre culture merci d'ajouter mes liens sur votre site ,le votre sera mis sur mon annuaire thanmirth
By: Ousmane Ahmed - France
2008-01-07 19:30:00
De la part d'un Touareg originaire du Niger, vivant en France et qui défend la culture berbère en ayant fondé LA MAISON DU SAHARA en France, félicitations pour votre site et votre représentation en Australie.
By: Mina K. - Australia
2007-11-19 19:30:00
Your website is unique in itself and only needs minor variations possibly to improve the homepage by changing the layout of the page. Maybe having the writing down the sides and having the pictures in the centre with links below them to make it easier for your customers to find certain products. Possibly a black background will be nicer than a grey one. Other than that I think you have done well, your genuine authentic products & fantastic prices will attract customers. Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
By: Maria Mendes - Portugal
2009-05-06 19:30:00
Hello Hacenne<br> I received in Lisboa, Portugal, all the nice objects that I ordered in 29 April. Everything was very well packed and in good condition. Thanks for the T-shirt. Congratulations for the prompt and efficient service. I think that I will order again in a next opportunity. <br> Sincerely<br> Maria Mendes<br> Lisboa, Portugal.
By: Ahcene Mariche - Algérie
2009-04-15 19:30:00
tanemirt stussda ayatma a les ambassadeurs nnegh di l australy. leqder nnwen d ameqran. l'hsitoire en parlezra un jour et on est deja temoin de tout ce que vous faites. ahcene mariche qui vous suis de loin et promet de vous envoyer bientot ces deux nouveaux recueils de poésie. ar tufat ayatma aken ihrez rebbi . idles nnegh mazal yahwadj agh poétqieument ahcene mariche tanemirt a toute l'équipe et spécialement à hacene baleh que j'ai eu l'honneur de rencontrer ici en algerie . mazal lkhir ar zdat ayatma Ahcene Mariche
By: Mehdi - USA
2014-09-10 07:49:30
I ordered a bracelet on berbeosaharan web site, and not only it was easy to go through the site to check the different models and to choose and order, but also the delivery was even faster then expected. You did a very good job on the bacelet design. You will need to put more pictures per product on the web site, since the bracelet was even better that I was seeing on its picture. Thanks again and keep going