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Ottomanes Tabourets Coussins
Retrouvez nos Ottomanes, tabourets et coussins Algeriens et Marocains en cuir
By: SB - Great Britain
2014-06-20 10:18:53
My order was shipped promptly and I was happy with the quality of it, however I don't feel the packaging was adequate for an overseas / airmail package. I always felt confident that this business offered a personal service and that I could contact Mr.Hacene should I require any help. Improvements I would like to suggest are: - that more specific measurements are added to items, so customers can know exactly what to expect as this makes the shopping process easier - that overseas shipments are packaged more securely / adequately to prevent damage to items - that more stock such as women's jewellery items from the Chaoui region could be added. In conclusion I would like express great happiness in finding an English language business that offers North African products such as those from Kabylia. The website is also a nice cultural resource for those who wish to know more about aspects of some of the Algerian cultures. Thank you Hacene. Keep up the good work, Allahumma barik!
By: Trevor Lepp - Spain
2011-01-13 19:30:00
Hacene, The sand roses arrived yesterday and the buyer is very pleased with them. Many thanks for your perfect service. I will send you a letter of commendation. Trevor
By: Margie R. - USA
2008-07-17 19:30:00
Hello Hacène, I am happy to report that yesterday the beautiful dresses have arrived. I think they are beautiful. The symbols are perfect and so unique! I am very happy with the dresses and I will make sure you get a picture of me wearing it at my wedding day. My appreciation to you is great and the dresses coming now made this very difficult time a little brighter. Warm regards, Margie R.
By: A.Larbi - odysseephone
2020-06-05 04:55:21
Vos produits sont authentiques. Très satisfait.merci pour votre sérieux.
By: Lydia C. - Canada
2009-04-14 19:30:00
Hi Et si chacun de nous (les Berberes) fera un geste ?!,Juste un petit geste ,mais qui aura une grande importance pour notre culture ,notre identite ,notre langue ..... ?! Comme disait Matoub fellas yaafou :Vous pouvez y arriver dans la vie en retard mais tachez de ne pas y arriver trop tard .Alors! agissons maintenant avant que ca soit trop tard !Ensemble pour que notre culture atquim ,yek atetwasen dhithmoura longue vie pour Berbero Saharan Handicrafts et bonne continuite Hacene Baleh Lydia C.
By: Hakima C - France
2009-08-07 19:30:00
jai bien recu le colis je suis ravie cest magnifique tres jolie travail de qualitée merci mille fois a vous hacene