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Tableaux Algeriens en 3D faits 100% a la main avec du Marbre
By: Simone Jolly - Australia
2006-10-30 10:11:35
This is a very exciting website! I like being able to see decent sized pictures of the products, and a brief history and explanation of the items is also very interesting and effective. Im very excited at the opprotunity to purchase such exotic and beautiful items so easily! Gotta love the internet for that right! Im looking forward to seeing the pottery and rugs too - cant wait for that! Keep up the good work, and I hope your goal is achieved - to familiarise australians with this mystical culture and it's beauty. Well done!
By: Mina K. - Australia
2007-11-19 19:30:00
Your website is unique in itself and only needs minor variations possibly to improve the homepage by changing the layout of the page. Maybe having the writing down the sides and having the pictures in the centre with links below them to make it easier for your customers to find certain products. Possibly a black background will be nicer than a grey one. Other than that I think you have done well, your genuine authentic products & fantastic prices will attract customers. Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
By: Claire B - Australia
2013-08-07 06:26:29
I ordered 8 tea glasses from BerberoSaharan and they arrived within a few days. The customer service was good and the goods I ordered arrived quickly. The glasses were perfect for a Moroccan meal I had arranged with friends and they were a very reasonable price.
By: Mary - Australia
2008-02-24 19:30:00
....arrived this morning. Thank you for for following this up for me, and I am delighted with the belts. Best regards, Mary
By: bouzara yazid - Algeria
2009-05-20 19:30:00
bonjour je ceramiste vous pouvez visiter mon blog ceryazid.skyrock.com
By: Florence - Merci beaucoup
2013-08-03 15:47:22
Un grand merci à Hacène, au bijoutier et à tous ceux qui ont acheminé mon bijou Kabyle. Vous tous qui me lisez, commandez sur ce site les yeux fermé. Hacène est un Amaghirt digne de ce nom ! Il est honnète, très professionnel, gentil... Votre satisfaction est la sienne, et Hacène est un grand amoureux de la culture Amaghirt, et il ne demande qu'à la partager avec vous ou vous la faire découvrir. Bon shoping à tous.