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Tapis Berbères
Tapis Berbères faits a la main dans le Sahara Algérien
Laine de Mouton
Tapis Berbere en Laine de Mouton -
Poils de chameaux
Tapis Berbères Algériens en Poils de chameaux faits a la main dans le désert du Sahara -
Fibre synthétique
Tapis Berbères Algériens en Fibre synthétique faits a la main dans le désert du Sahara
By: Sonja - Slovakia
2016-10-10 11:39:22
Dear Hacéne, got my two custom made Southern Crosses. They are absolutely marvellous, great work of your jeweller. Quick manufacturing, reasonable shipping rate and time, great communication. Recommended for everybody looking for handmate jewelry.
By: Simone Jolly - Australia
2006-10-30 10:11:35
This is a very exciting website! I like being able to see decent sized pictures of the products, and a brief history and explanation of the items is also very interesting and effective. Im very excited at the opprotunity to purchase such exotic and beautiful items so easily! Gotta love the internet for that right! Im looking forward to seeing the pottery and rugs too - cant wait for that! Keep up the good work, and I hope your goal is achieved - to familiarise australians with this mystical culture and it's beauty. Well done!
By: Stephen - Australia
2012-07-08 20:05:14
Excelent service throughout my purchase from the beginning till delivery. Some larger company's here need to look at the way customers are served and start treating customers the way Berbero Saharan do as an individual customer.
By: Massin - USA
2009-05-06 19:30:00
azul thamaghnas<br> i just discoved this website, and i was waiting with patient to hear anything about imazighan in australia, so i would like to thank all site members for their effort to promote the amzigh culture and history.
By: lila - algerie
2012-03-19 09:27:51
de beaux modelles robes mais ca manques de finitions
By: Amanda F - Australia
2015-02-25 21:58:07
I purchased a handmade tagine recently. It is fantastic. Service was awesome and the postage was super fast. Will definitely be recommending this site to others :) Thank you so much!