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Tapis Berbères
Tapis Berbères faits a la main dans le Sahara Algérien
Laine de Mouton
Tapis Berbere en Laine de Mouton -
Poils de chameaux
Tapis Berbères Algériens en Poils de chameaux faits a la main dans le désert du Sahara -
Fibre synthétique
Tapis Berbères Algériens en Fibre synthétique faits a la main dans le désert du Sahara
By: Raphael Mhashilkar - Australia
2012-02-24 16:31:25
I just received this amazing piece. And I LOVE it. http://www.berberosaharan.com/en/necklaces/1095-silver-and-ebony-wood-tuareg-necklace-from-north-africa.html
By: Hacene - France
2013-04-18 09:27:57
Super transaction avec une livraison rapide malgres la distance et une excellente communication. Ce fut parfait, la casquette et de très bonne qualite avec une belle finition. Merci et a de nouvelles affaires.
By: Mary - Australia
2008-01-01 19:30:00
Wow, Hacene - you amaze me! We missed the Sydney fireworks on TV, so it was great to see them on your site. And so much other entertainment - I was so engrossed, I almost forgot to continue with my work! But thank you for the videos and I wish you a great 2008!. Mary
By: Margie R. - USA
2008-07-17 19:30:00
Hello Hacène, I am happy to report that yesterday the beautiful dresses have arrived. I think they are beautiful. The symbols are perfect and so unique! I am very happy with the dresses and I will make sure you get a picture of me wearing it at my wedding day. My appreciation to you is great and the dresses coming now made this very difficult time a little brighter. Warm regards, Margie R.
By: Goumeziane Soraya - Algeria
2010-06-23 19:30:00
salut hacene, comment ça va? J'ai récupéré mes deux robes, elles sont tout simplement magnifiques. Merci à toi. Je me trouve vraiment belle avec!!! encore une fois merci hacene.
By: Nina - United Kingdom
2008-01-22 19:30:00
Dear Hacene, I just received my beautiful Kabyle pendant and earrings! Thank you so much, they are amazing pieces! I instantly fell in love! You really have an amazing collection! and I can't wait for my next purchase! It was a pleasure doing business with you, very friendly and it is great being able to know exactly where a piece was made. Super fast shipping, great experience! Definitely on my favorite sellers/ website list! A perfect transaction in every way!! Highly recommended! A +++++ Thank you again,