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Céramique Marocaine
Céramique Marocaine faite a la main au Maroc
By: Amanda F - Australia
2015-02-25 21:58:07
I purchased a handmade tagine recently. It is fantastic. Service was awesome and the postage was super fast. Will definitely be recommending this site to others :) Thank you so much!
By: Mary - Australia
2007-12-30 19:30:00
Hacene, thank you for your notification, I shall look forward to receiving the Sand Roses. And it is exciting to think my belts are being handmade especially for me in Algeria - it is obviously a fascinating country. I'm too old to travel now, but love learning about places I have never seen. The photos (modern and old) are fascinating. I run a very tiny gift shop in a very tiny place (Lemon Tree Passage). The shop is part of the waterside unit my husband Ray and I live in. Not to make a profit, but to keep me occupied and interested as he is an invalid now. The community is getting familiar with the fact that The Little Gift Shoppe always has something unusual. Not that you need to know all that, but I had to compliment you on your web site. I don't know who has created it for you, or if indeed you have put it together yourself, but whichever applies, it is one of the best sites, both from content and composition that I have visited. I don't know if Algerians recognise our New Year celebrations, but I send you and your family my latest buzz phrase.... Have a great 2008!
Bon produit
By: nadjia - canada
2020-06-05 10:08:43
Bonne qualité et excellent service.
By: Andréa G. - France
2009-03-23 19:30:00
Bonjour Hacéne Je viens de récupérer les boucles d'oreille à la poste. Merci infiniment ! Merci à votre sÅ“ur pour l'envoi soigné. Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et efficacité et merci au bijoutier qui a fait un travail remarquable ! Je ne manquerai pas de mettre un mot sur votre site dès demain. Bien cordialement Andréa G.
By: Chantal - Australia
2007-01-28 19:30:00
Overall your web site is really interesting. I found the products you offer intriguing and your range is a variety of georgous things that any one would love to have. It is becoming a rare thing these days to be able to have handmade products in your home and as jewellery for that matter. Uniqueness usually comes at a high price but I am surprised to learn that your prices are very affordable. The only suggestions I could make are merely minor details and probably not so important such as the percentage figures on the sale discounts are rather small and don't really stand out, you might want to try enlarging those to be more visible to the naked eye. Other than that the site offers history, knowledge and basically good product.. so congratulations!
By: Rafik A. - Canada
2014-05-14 20:56:54
Hi, Simply a brilliant service. I have dealt with numerous online websites for shopping, but nothing came to close to the personal, respectful and courteous contact as I did with the staff at Berbero Saharan. The rug is in beautiful shape, the material is pristine and culture seeps through it. I'm in love with it and have received many good compliments and feedback from Canadian and non-Berber friends. Shipping was very reasonable and extremely quick (5 business days to Canada from Australia) as well considering Berbero Saharan charges you the exact price of shipping as opposed to marking it up like other websites! Very honest and trustworthy. I am in the process of ordering another one, and will order a third shortly, most likely... that's how good! Rafik A. Toronto, Canada