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Pendentifs Touaregs (Twareg ou bien Touaregues) en argent du sahara du sahara Algerien
By: Khaled Guenfi - France
2009-12-10 19:30:00
Pour ce qui est de la commande en gros que j'ai réalisé auprès de vous je suis trés satisfait en ce qui concerne les relations que nous avons eu durant toute la transaction., de l'expédition qui à été rapide et suivi jusqu'à sa rception. vos produits sont trés beaux et de bonne qualité, je tiens à vous remercier et surtout vous féliciter pour votre honneteté et votre sens des relations, bonne courage en espérant continuer à travalller ensemble. à bientôt
By: Hacene - France
2013-04-18 09:27:57
Super transaction avec une livraison rapide malgres la distance et une excellente communication. Ce fut parfait, la casquette et de très bonne qualite avec une belle finition. Merci et a de nouvelles affaires.
By: Heather - Australia
2013-04-12 02:59:13
I wanted an unglazed tagine, and this one is perfect. The service was excellent and the tagine arrived quickly, and very well packed. Excellent shopping and cultural information.
By: sbargoud ahmed - Bresil
2009-05-15 19:30:00
Jadmire tres bien ton travail
By: Chantal - Australia
2007-01-28 19:30:00
Overall your web site is really interesting. I found the products you offer intriguing and your range is a variety of georgous things that any one would love to have. It is becoming a rare thing these days to be able to have handmade products in your home and as jewellery for that matter. Uniqueness usually comes at a high price but I am surprised to learn that your prices are very affordable. The only suggestions I could make are merely minor details and probably not so important such as the percentage figures on the sale discounts are rather small and don't really stand out, you might want to try enlarging those to be more visible to the naked eye. Other than that the site offers history, knowledge and basically good product.. so congratulations!
By: Ciarac - USA
2007-12-17 19:30:00
You have some really beautiful and unique jewelry! I really do like your site and the information you have available explaining the different cultures and how they create their unique jewelry is excellent!