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Here you will find our brands that offer the latest in fashion
By: Florence Graradji - France
2015-05-10 05:34:11
Azul agma Hacène, j'espoire que tu vas bien, je suis très heureuse de revenir sur ton site. Que Allah te garde, et fasse prospérer ton commerce. Bien cordialement et fraternellement
By: Hacene - France
2013-04-18 09:27:57
Super transaction avec une livraison rapide malgres la distance et une excellente communication. Ce fut parfait, la casquette et de très bonne qualite avec une belle finition. Merci et a de nouvelles affaires.
By: Jade - Australia
2012-12-14 18:11:20
The customer service at Berbero Saharah is excellent. I ordered a beautiful tagine which I didn\'t realise was only for serving, not cooking. Luckily they had the foresight to hold off on sending it out and contacted me first to confirm whether I still wanted the tagine. I was able to exchange for another one which is for cooking, and am looking forward to enjoying lots of delicious meals!
By: lila - algerie
2012-03-19 09:27:51
de beaux modelles robes mais ca manques de finitions
By: Maria Mendes - Portugal
2009-05-06 19:30:00
Hello Hacenne<br> I received in Lisboa, Portugal, all the nice objects that I ordered in 29 April. Everything was very well packed and in good condition. Thanks for the T-shirt. Congratulations for the prompt and efficient service. I think that I will order again in a next opportunity. <br> Sincerely<br> Maria Mendes<br> Lisboa, Portugal.
By: ghania goumeziane - Algeria
2010-06-21 19:30:00
slt Hacene ,voila je t'écris pour te dire que j ai reçu les robes ajrd8 mais elles sont trop trop trop belles franchement c est du bn travail merci bcp.Si tu appel la couturière tu lui dis de ma part "athiharez rebi ifasnime"n oublis pas ok.Merci encore une fois et c est grace a
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