5 Année auparavant
5 Année auparavant
5 Année auparavant
By: Sharon - Australia
2015-12-06 01:04:24
My items were received in good order and were exactly as advertised. Thank you for a good online shopping experience.
By: Belinda Musulin - Croatia
2012-07-19 05:54:31
THX HEAPS You are lovely! Not all are like that in business and you are very well mannered! Some in America don't show this level of professionalism as you do..... Some Americans are not really to my style in business communication! I have seen and I know - you are indeed very well mannered in business! We are grateful. Belinda
By: Sofia & Wissem - Algeria
2009-05-04 19:30:00
bnjr j'espere ke vous allez bien.on est sur votre site ca nous a plu enormement;et on vous remerci beaucoup ,a la prochn
By: Skye R. - Australia
2007-04-25 19:30:00
I bought a hat and ceramic ashtray. I was very happy with the prices for handmade quality and style. I think it is a fabulous idea to sell handicrafts from Algeria and North Africa.
By: Andréa G. - France
2009-03-23 19:30:00
Bonjour Hacéne Je viens de récupérer les boucles d'oreille à la poste. Merci infiniment ! Merci à votre sÅ“ur pour l'envoi soigné. Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et efficacité et merci au bijoutier qui a fait un travail remarquable ! Je ne manquerai pas de mettre un mot sur votre site dès demain. Bien cordialement Andréa G.
By: Denis BENEJAM - France
2011-09-14 17:03:30
J'ai bien reçu mon colis. Parfait ! Denis BENEJAM